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Welcome to Exploratory space-time data analysis project!

The spdyn package implements exploratory space-time data analysis measures, that help elucidate the degree to which the time evolution (or dynamics) of a process is spatially dependent.

The spdyn package, currently under development, seeks to implement a set of methods to perform exploratory data analysis on space-time data. Currently, it implements functions to compute Spatial Markov Matrices as suggested by Rey (2001), and a set of related measures, as the mean first passage times and the estimation of the ergodic distributions of the Spatial Markov processes. Further developments will include the implemantation of statistical tests to asses if the Spatial Markov Matrices really differ from a non-spatially conditioned Markov Matrix, or classic Markov process. Also, it will implement other measures of space-time dynamics developed by Rey (2001) and the dynamic LISA measures proposed by Rey, Murray and Anselin (2011).

Finally, the spdyn package also includes some complementary functions to implement univariate and bivariate measures of global and local spatial autocorrelation.


Rey, S.J. (2001) 'Spatial Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence', Geographical Analysis, Vol.33, No.3.

Rey, S.J., A.T. Murray and L. Anselin. 2011. "Visualizing regional income distribution dynamics." Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. Vol. 4.

This package can also can be downloaded or installed by clicking here.